With the approach of the 21st century, the growth and acceptance of project management are continuing at a phenomenal pace. Most church boards now expect and appreciate it as a necessary component to assist the church board/elders and staff in providing quality ministry for their congregations. The Healthy Church Project module helps a church leader or pastor manage appropriate action steps (projects) to enhance their ministry's efficient and effective delivery. Projects define the actual programs, events, tasks, and systems planned to fulfill the church ministry mandate and missional statements.
The Healthy Church has a warehouse of projects and programs that can be accessed with the click of a button. The project library can be searched by combining the following: model component and/or project type … system, task, major or minor programs, etc. The library can be searched by any combination of the following: model component, date range, person, and text.
The overview tab includes … the project's milestone level, project responsibility, the model component associated with this project, project costs, start and execution dates, approvals, and project health.
The detail tab allows you to change the project title, description, start and execution dates, and project responsibility.
The timeline tab provides a series of milestones and associated action steps to implement the project. The user can add action items, and all action items are modifiable and moveable. Each action item can be assigned to a person responsible for implementing it. With the click of a button, you can send each person a list of their personal action items to be completed. When completed with a single stroke, they can update the action list in the webware.
The cost tab provides a place to add budget items, and it will summarize the project costs.
The approval tab provides a place for the project manager to confirm the leadership's approvals for the project.
The project resolution tab provides a place for the project manager to report the project's health and outline potential or actual risks and roadblocks. It also includes the steps that will be taken to put the project back on schedule with good results.
Good project management develops skills to produce greater productivity and a sense of ministry accomplishment and demonstrates a wise use of God's resources with a clear sense of ministry focus. This creates a wholesome pattern that can be effectively replicated and improved upon through subsequent cycles and personnel change.
Click the link below to download a complete sample project report.